tuesdaylab _22-2-2011

hari ini buat assignment guna excel..hehe
want to see klik here
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1 malaysia

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1 malaysia concept and values

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1 Malaysia | Lagu

1 Malaysia-siti Nurhaliza - Satu Malaysia

Semuanya atas satu perjuangan

Segalanya atas satu perpaduan

Rakyat bersatu seiring dan maju
Pencapaian jadi mercu

Satu tak mengenal bangsa
Tak memisahkan kita
Terus perkasa

Kita satu Malaysia
Teguh ikrar bersama
Negaraku tercinta
Satu bangsa Satu Malaysia

Aubrey Suwito

Dato Siti Nurhaliza

sponsored link 
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1 Malaysia | Social Network

1 Malaysia Facebook Official 

1 Malaysia Official
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1 Malaysia | Official Web

1Malaysia is intended to provide a free and open forum to discuss the things that matter deeply to us as a Nation. It provides a chance to express and explore the many perspectives of our fellow citizens. What makes Malaysia unique is the diversity of our peoples. 1Malaysia’s goal is to preserve and enhance this unity in diversity which has always been our strength and remains our best hope for the future. I hope this website will initiate an open and vital dialogue exploring our Malaysian identity, our purpose, and direction. I encourage each of you to join me in defining our Malaysia and the role we must play in its future. Each of us – despite our differences – shares a desire for a better tomorrow. Each of us wants opportunity, respect, friendship, and understanding.

official link to 1 Malaysia Website :
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1 Malaysia | HERE IN MY HOME


Verse 1:
Hold on brother [won’t you] hold on
The road’s long. We’re on stony ground
But I’m strong. You ain’t heavy

Verse 2:
Oh there’s a misspoken truth that lies
Colors don’t bind, oh no.
What do they know? They speak falsely.

Here in my home
I’ll tell you what its all about
There’s just one hope here in my heart
One Love undivided
That’s what it’s all about
Please won’t you fall in one by one by one with me?

Verse 3:
Push back sister [won’t you] push back?
Love won’t wait. Just keep pushing on.
Yes I’m strong. You ain’t heavy.

Verse 4:
Oh don’t you worry about that…
What we have the shadows can’t deny
Don’t you know it’s now or never?

Doo Doo… etc
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Batik 1 malaysia

Batik 1 Malaysia is introduced with the slogan of our country (1 Malaysia). This dress is formal and appropriate at the opening ceremony and etc.

for more information : batik 1 Malaysia
                                  *H4 butik.com
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1 malaysia Chinese New Year

11 Feb 2011 at Enstin Hotel,pharmacy student are celebrating Chinese New Year with the theme 1 malaysia.

Officially opened by the Dean Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Assoc. Syed Azhar Syed 

Sulaiman. With a theme of Malaysia, we are all together mixed with all race an religion to 

form a unity. The ceremony went well and lively. 
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about me

This blog is about 1 Malaysia...Why I choose this theme? because I am  Malaysian and I'm living in Malaysia and i love Malaysia. 

this is my family..(sebenarnya ramai lagi..hehe)

they are my nephews..ank kpd akak saya yg sulung. i like them b'coz they are 1 Malaysia.hehe
kanan ialah yang sulung. mcm ala2 india siket, kiri angah mcm malay and yang tengah (bungsu) terkenan jiran sblah..ala2 cina.

(our national flower..acctully yang calour merah, tp species yang sama juga la)

** bosam siket kot menceritakan tentang hal-hal 1 Malaysia..BUT im trying to make it fun as i can**

~have a fun (n_n*)

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1 malaysia

bunga raya

makanan malaysia

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